
Naomi WhiteAbout me

My name is Naomi – I’m a twenty-something year old grad trying to figure her life out much like everyone else. I have a particular interest in current affairs, women’s rights and an aspiration to own every glittery nail polish I can get my hands on.

About the blog

It seems that every element of my educational life has geared me towards the big finale – that day when you finally leave the classroom behind and enter the big wide world. But suddenly here I am, almost a year from graduating, ‘a young professional in my twenties.’ That broad term that defines my age bracket. It has all happened so fast; it’s exciting, eventful and, to tell you the truth, pretty scary.

I like it though. Most of the time.

And exciting, eventful and scary are just three words out of a long list that I’d use describe the world around us right now.

So expect to read my thoughts on just some of those.

I also have my own blog at WeAreTheCity, Naomi White Talks Politics. My aim here is to make politics a little bit more interesting, to focus on what really does affect women, and to have a little bit of fun with it.

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